Education Blog

Using Amazon’s Alexa In The Classroom

Using Amazon’s Alexa In The Classroom

The Amazon Echo is a hands-free, voice-controlled search device that uses Amazon’s Alexa. Using Alexa is as simple as asking questions. You can ask to play music, read the news, check the weather, and more! Even though none of the features that are...

Bilingualism In Toddlers– Benefits Of A Bilingual Preschool

Bilingualism In Toddlers– Benefits Of A Bilingual Preschool

Bilingualism refers to the ability to use two languages in everyday life. It is very common and on the rise in many parts of the world. There are several benefits of bilingualism. The most important benefit is bilingual children will know...

7 Tips for Choosing the Right School for your Child

7 Tips for Choosing the Right School for your Child

Are you wondering how to decide what school is right for your child? The task of selecting the right school can be a difficult one for many parents. Between Kindergarten and 12th grade, the average students spends approximately 2,340 days in...

Benefits of Flexible Seating in Elementary School

Benefits of Flexible Seating in Elementary School

Flexible seating is a current trend in education. The purpose of flexible seating is to create various opportunities for students to work in an environment where they will be most successful and productive. From sitting on the floor, to a yoga...

Strategies to Strengthen Executive Function in Children

Strategies to Strengthen Executive Function in Children

According to Harvard University, executive function and self-regulation skills are the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions and juggle multiple tasks successfully. The brain needs this skill set to filter...

Benefits of the Duke TIP Program

Benefits of the Duke TIP Program

Today we are going to take a look at what the Duke TIP program is, the programs offered, and the benefits of the Duke TIP program. What is the Duke TIP Program? The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) is a nonprofit...

The Summer Slide- What Every Parent Needs to Know

The Summer Slide- What Every Parent Needs to Know

Something is waiting for many children each summer, and their parents don't even know it's out there -- the "summer slide." Summer slide is what happens when young minds sit idle for three months. As parents approach the summer break, many are...

Signs that your Child is Happy at School

Signs that your Child is Happy at School

Is your child happy at school? Even for the best parent, it can difficult to tell solely based off of behavior. Of course, it would be great if your child could always tell you when they were happy at school. But you can’t always count on that --...

Reading Help for Dyslexic Students

Reading Help for Dyslexic Students

Finding reading help for dyslexic students should be a top priority for any parent or educator. Children need an environment in which they can flourish, and the first step is identifying creative solutions to troubling problems. Children who...

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